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Locate in Dundee, Scotland, UK

Locate in Dundee, Scotland, UK

Locate your creative, digital, or technology business in Angus, Scotland

Dundee, Scotland’s fourth-largest city, is growing as a vibrant epicentre for the creative digital and screen industries, making it a prime location for inward investment in these sectors. Known for its rich history in design and innovation—home to the world-renowned V&A Dundee, a beacon of contemporary creativity—Dundee offers unique opportunities for businesses and investors looking to capitalise on the rapidly growing digital and creative markets.

Innovative Ecosystem

Dundee’s innovative ecosystem is supported by a collaborative network of technology parks, business incubators, and co-working spaces designed explicitly for creative and digital enterprises. This infrastructure not only fosters innovation but also provides valuable support mechanisms for startups and established businesses alike, promoting growth and facilitating access to global markets.

World-Class Talent Pool

The city benefits from a highly skilled workforce, enriched by graduates from Dundee’s leading universities—The University of Dundee and Abertay University. Abertay University, in particular, is recognized globally for its contributions to video game education, making Dundee an attractive city for companies in the gaming industry and related digital screen sectors. This talent pool ensures that businesses in Dundee have access to fresh ideas and cutting-edge skills, driving innovation and keeping companies at the forefront of digital technology.

Strategic Location

Dundee’s strategic location provides significant advantages. With its well-developed transport infrastructure, the city offers excellent connectivity to major UK cities and beyond, facilitating easy access for businesses, employees, and clients. This connectivity, combined with Dundee’s quality of life, vibrant cultural scene, and relative cost-effectiveness compared to other tech hubs, makes it an attractive place for digital tech professionals and their families.

Supportive Business Environment

The local government and various business organizations in Dundee are committed to supporting the growth of the digital and creative sectors. Financial incentives, including grants and investment opportunities, are available for qualifying businesses. Additionally, initiatives aimed at fostering collaboration between academia, industry, and government ensure a thriving environment for digital and screen enterprises.

Leading in Screen Industries

Dundee’s contribution to the screen industries, particularly in gaming, is globally recognized. The city’s legacy includes the creation of the world-famous game "Lemmings" and contributing significantly to the development of "Grand Theft Auto." Today, Dundee continues to be at the cutting edge of digital and screen sector innovations, with a growing number of studios and companies specializing in animation, film, and digital media calling the city home.

A Future-Ready City

Investors and businesses in the creative digital tech and screen sectors will find Dundee not just ready but eagerly anticipating the future. With ongoing investments in 5G technology and smart city initiatives, Dundee is at the forefront of creating a digitally inclusive, innovative, and sustainable urban environment.

Offering a potent combination of talent, innovation, support, and lifestyle, Dundee presents an attractive proposition for businesses looking to invest in the creative digital tech and screen industries. Join this thriving community and be part of shaping the future of digital creativity and entertainment in one of the UK’s most forward-thinking cities.